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Ravensfall Heroes
I'm currently working on a turn-based, multiplayer rpg with a talented artist. He's been creating content and artwork for the game for years, and even created a physical tabletop version! I've partnered up with him to turn his vision into a reality. Still have a long way to go, but so far, so good. I'm posting video updates on a playlist on my YouTube page.

There are additional videos and update posts on our Facebook page.

Dungeons of Daggorath - Unity Port
I used Unity to create a port of the classic 1982 game, originally for the TRS-80 Color Computer line. There are downloadable Windows and macOS versions, as well as a browser-playable WebGL version on the linked page. Theres a playlist of dev updates while I was creating it on my YouTube page.

I also contributed to Richard Hunerlach's C++ SDL Windows port in 2006. His website is no longer up, but the source code is still floating around.

Spillville2: Burn Baby Burn!
Clean up the oil spewing into the Gulf with your coast guard ship. Suck it up or burn it! Save the baby sea turtles! This game was created while the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico it was still going on, back in 2010. It got over half a million plays during the 6 days it was hosted on Addicting Games under the name "Oil Spill Cleaner". It was my 2nd Flash game, and isn't great, but it's playable. At least you can mute the weak music I created for it.

Spillville: Spill Baby Spill!
Use your coast guard boat to save Louisiana from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico! This was the first Flash game I created, created in a 3 day rush in the beginning of the BP oil spill. Was still learning Flash, and hadn't quite gotten around to learning how to make sound yet, so it's a silent game. Not the best game ever made.